Middle School

October 2023 Update:

The middle school participated in a leadership retreat this year.  Their theme for the year is, “Being a leader through service.”  They were able to go to Shiloh Bible Camp in Donnelly, Idaho for a few days in September and dive deep into studying God’s word.  The middle school has been actively serving this year with different organizations. 

They just sponsored and served at a water station for the race, “Run for Heaven’s Gate.” This is a race that raises money for a non-profit called FiftyTwoFour.  FiftyTwoFour donates the money raised to Send Hope Now, an organization, that helps orphans and widows in India. 

The middle school, also, in early September was able to service at a fundraiser dinner that was held here at Calvary Chapel for an organization called, Free Wheelchair Mission, that gives wheelchairs to people in impoverished countries.  They have taken on the task as making it a yearlong, schoolwide fundraiser to help support this organization.  So far, they have collected from the student body, $1,781.54.  Each wheelchair costs only $96 to make and they have raised enough money to make 18 wheelchairs.  Their goal is to raise enough money for 50 wheelchairs by the end of the year.